Iberian Chiffchaff on Unst, was by far the highlight of the day. This wee cracker (if you can call a Yellowish Chiff that!) was performing to the five or so birders present this afternoon. The fact that it was almost constantly singing was a good thing (no iPod help either!), but due to technical problems with sound equipment, my recordings are a bit pants to say the least! If this bird hangs about, I reckon I'll be back to try again. Did manage a couple of half decent pics though...
Pretty crap recording here; http://www.xeno-canto.org/recording.php?XC=54465
Another big thanks to Stef and Ash, I reckon between them, they have pretty much saved the 'Shetland Spring' from being a complete washout bird wise!
Stork Update; Looks like the Unst Black Stork was the same bird as recently seen on the Western Isles, and was ringed in 2007 in Hungary! see here; http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&gl=uk&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=101316630794054239130.000488246aa2b5bd05f74&ll=58.596887,-3.977051&spn=4.07122,9.876709&z=7
Another big thanks to Stef and Ash, I reckon between them, they have pretty much saved the 'Shetland Spring' from being a complete washout bird wise!
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